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왜 SecureKi인가? 우리는 실천을 통한 학습을 믿으며 실제 경험보다 더 나은 교육은 없습니다. SecureKi 직원은 우리가 가장 중요하게 생각하는 문제를 해결하기 위해 빠르게 움직이고 반복하는 소규모 팀으로 함께 일합니다. 자격증명 보안을 통해 사이버 위협으로부터 커뮤니티를 보호하고 시장에 영향력을 행사하는 것은 이제 막 시작되었습니다.


Advanced services combined with a large collection of new options.

Engineering Manager

Knowledge sharing with the broader development ecosystem.

Paris, France

Senior Data Engineer

Enabling teams to find solutions quickly and validate market impact.

Grenoble, France

Manager, Software Engineer

Enabling teams to find solutions quickly and validate market impact.

Nice, France

Senior Software Engineer

Knowledge sharing with the broader development ecosystem.

Paris, France

Product Design

Advanced services combined with a large collection of new options.

Mobile Engineer - iOS

Enabling teams to find solutions quickly and validate market impact.

Grenoble, France

Product Designer

Knowledge sharing with the broader development ecosystem.

Paris, France

Senior Security Engineer

Knowledge sharing with the broader development ecosystem.

Lyon, France


Advanced services combined with a large collection of new options.

Head of Global Marketing

Knowledge sharing with the broader development ecosystem.

Paris, France

Account Executive

Knowledge sharing with the broader development ecosystem.

Grenoble, France


Accounting Assistant at SecureKi

Join SecureKi, the forefront of cybersecurity finance, where precision meets innovation. We're looking for an Accounting Assistant whose meticulous attention to detail will reinforce the backbone of our finance operations. Your analytical acumen will ensure that every number tallied secures not just our books but also fortifies our clients' digital safety.

There are currently no open roles at SecureKi

지금 귀하의 아이덴티티 전략을 향상하세요

지금 우리와 함께 보안을 시작하고 우리의 솔루션이 어떻게 사이버 보안 접근 방식을 혁신할 수 있는지 알아보세요. 우리에게 연락하여 데모를 요청하거나 전문가 팀과 채팅하세요